Custom Home Process

The sequence of building a custom home includes first acquiring the property and acceptable plans. We are happy to come and do an initial site visit to determine feasibility of your plans for no cost to you.

Next, you will finalize your plans and we will begin compiling an estimate of costs to build the home. We will also look to acquire an environmental permit for well and septic. This is often referred to as a perc test and determines the location of your well (if needed) and your type of septic system. The septic system can be a significant range of price depending on the type needed. We will also sometimes need a survey to identify the boundaries and setbacks for the location of the home. You may also need an access road cut if not already present.

We can retain a deposit to cover all of these initial costs and begin this work on your behalf.

Once we have these initial factors resolved, we begin planning your custom home through selections and specifications. This process can take several weeks or months depending on the individual and their choices. Our team will work directly with you to complete your specs and selections so that we can develop a highly accurate estimate.

This process allows us to provide you with a Fixed Price Contract. We are part of a very select group of contractors who are able to provide fixed cost contracts. This allows you to be sure you will only pay what you expect. The only factors that can change that price are change-orders or market driven commodity prices increasing more than 20%. We outline this clearly in our contract.

It takes us about 12-18 months to complete this entire process from initial site visit to keys in the door. Please let us know when you would like to proceed. We are very interested in gaining your trust and business.